Diane Ackerman
Contemporary American author
"Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game."
Michael Jordan
American basketball player
"Children have always learned and created places for themselves through play."
Donna R. Barnes
Contemporary American psychologist
Play was very important during my childhood. It seemed as if everyone supported it. Children were allowed and encouraged to play outside until it got dark. It didn't seem to matter how hot or cold it was outside, children still were outside playing. I remember going to kindergarten and we played a lot. We sang songs, did art projects, and played. We still learned academics, but there wasn't as big a push to learn all these things at 5-years-old.
Play is definately different today than it was when I was growing up. Play was encouraged back then. Children would go outside and just invent games and have fun. It seems today all children do at school is sit in a desk for six hours. When they get home, instead of going outside and running and playing, they are turning on the television or video games. My hopes for the future is that we can get away from what we have become. I want to see children outside playing, inventing games, using their imaginations, and being creative. I would love for the kindergarten classes to be able to put play back into their day. I agree that we need the academics in school, but I feel that we have become overly obsessed and we are not letting children be children anymore. We are forcing them to grow up too fast. This is not healthy for their development. I want to see more play back in schools and at home.
I feel that I was allowed the time to play and learn creativity. I know that helped with my development. Being creative during childhood helped me to become a creative adult. I like doing art projects and fun things with my students. I teach them games that I invented as a child and they seem to enjoy these things. I make sure to give my students plenty of time for creative play and free-choice interest area play.
The following are some of my favorite toys and essential play items when I was little.
Little People
Barbie Dolls
Roller Skates
I love the quote by Michael Jordan. I too believe that life is a game that should be played because its fun! I wish that today's children could have the time and freedom to play, laugh and get dirty!