Saturday, March 16, 2013

Research Simulation

For my research simulation project, I decided to research child abuse and neglect.  The topic that I want to focus on within this area is how child abuse and neglect affects children's social-emotional development.  Healthy Social-Emotional development is so important for children and abuse plays a major role in this developmental milestone for children.  I plan to read articles and journals, as well as take feedback from classmates, to get a better understanding of how their development is affected by abuse. 

The reasont that I picked child abuse is because I work closely with young children and I must be aware of the all of the signs of abuse and be prepared for it.  By law, I must report anything that I suspect as being abuse or neglect.  I want to become more familiar with these signs.  As a teacher, I want to know how the abuse will affect my student's behavior and academic success. 

I am finding it easier to fill in the research charts.  I think that will be a big help to me.  I am still a little nervous about doing a research project, but I feel a little more comfortable now than when I first started.  I hope my classmates can share advice to help me along the way and I hope that I can help them whenever they need some help. 


  1. Misty,

    Funny how I picked a topic you are personally connected to and you picked a topic on something I am very familiar with!

    I worked in a half way home for abused and neglected children ages 2-6. Some of the children in my care went back to their parents, others went into foster care. I worked there during breaks and in the summer all through college then for a full year after graduation. I can definitely answer your questions to the best of my knowledge. We had some very disturbing cases come through our doors (rape, gun violence,severe neglect, you name it I most likely had a child who suffered through it.) Their stories are forever implanted in my mind and those children touched my heart in a way that I can't even explain so please do not hesitate to contact me. If I can't answer your questions I still have contact with the directors, co workers, social workers and therapists I work along side with and they may be willing to help as well.

    Best of luck in your research!

    1. Jessica,
      Thank you so much for your input. I'm sure that I will be using you as a resource for this class. And please feel free to ask me anything and if I can't answer it, I will ask my son's OT.

  2. Dear Misty,
    This is a great topic to research. There are so many children who are abused or neglected daily. It may not be physical meaning marks on their bodies, but emotionally or mentally. I believe neglect is the second worse thing a child can go through. I agree with you, it is very important for children to have healthy social emotional relationships and abuse/neglect plays MAJOR roles in this process. It definately gives them a different view of people and their environment. I wish you much success on this journey. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Misty,
    What a wonderful research topic. This past fall, we had a 14-month-old in our childcare center who was experiencing physical and verbal abuse by their mother. We started getting concerned when they began hitting constantly, but also thought that it could have to do with the fact that they were in a new room with bigger kids. However, one day the teachers were telling their mother about an incident from earlier that day, and she walked over to her child and smacked them on the head, and then said they had "poop for brains." There was also another day when she gave them a hard smack on the bum when they climbed up on the table and then verbally berated the child. We ended up calling our child abuse contact and speaking with our director about the incident. Most of us felt that the child was imitating what their mother had done to them, which is why he had become more violent.

  4. This is a great topic for research! I think that we can all benefit from your findings. Looking at your research from the perspective of teachers being aware of the impact of abuse on social emotional development is an approach that I am certainly interested in learning more about. Good luck! I am nervous about my first research endeavor as well.
