Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sharing Web Resources

I am researching the National Head Start Assocation. This website is full of useful information involving the topics that we have discussed this week.  There is a section that has information about disaster reflief funds, scholarships and awards, and training sessions for early educators.  Funding a big issue with Head Start.  Every year the politians want to cut funding for Head Start.  They need to look and see what a good program it is and how it helps so many children. 

After reading some of the statements from parents on the blog, it made me look at Head Start in a different way.  All of these parents are so supportive of the program and each one had a special story of how Head Start helped their child and their family.  It makes me feel good to be part of something so special. 

I believe neuroscientists supports Head Start by helping to develop the curriculum.  Head Start focuses on the whole child and involves a lot of free-choice play.  Neuroscientists study the development of children and Head Start goes along with child development.


  1. Misty,

    I think it's great that the Head Start website has a place where parents can post their experiences with the program. I think it's great that other parents can read about the program and see the results coming from it. That's a great resource - parent-to-parent connection.

    The neuroscientists definitely do help with research about how development occurs and provides strategies on how to support optimal early childhood development.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Misty,
    Was great reading your post.I am now also realising the great importance of the Head Start Program and I can strongly say if children miss the great level of development, they have missed a great deal.

  3. Hello Misty,

    One great advocacy effort seen from your post is the use of parents feedback and how it has support Head Start. This is a very excellent approach. Diverse parents feedback gives substantial data to be able to convince politicians and economists on policies that relates to children.

    Thanks for sharing this.

  4. Hi Misty,
    I have been learning about all the budget cuts with Head Starts through the GFC site. I don't understand how it can be under fire, but the personal stories are something every human can relate to, unlike the units of return on investment. You should be proud and lets keep fighting!

  5. Misty,
    Thank you for your informed characterization of the National Head Start program and the effect that the early childhood program has had in the lives of parents and their children. In my personal experience, Head Start has afforded me some of the most memorable, helpful, and cooperative partnerships that I have ever experienced professionally, both in relation to collaboration efforts among colleagues as well as with parents and related administration. I can wholeheartedly vouch for the wealth of educational, social, familial, and personal benefit provided by the Head Start program.
